Aug 11, 2016

Who will strip Youtube of TRUTH Obama or Trump? ISIS holds the answer

Aug 8, 2016 - Freedom fighters inflict a severe defeat to the illuminati, breaking up the siege of east Aleppo. 
In other words: how does this influence the alternative scripts for the third consecutive "inauguration of a counterfeit president", Jan 21, 2017? 

Who will strip Youtube from TRUTH: Obama or Trump? ISIS holds the answer
Both Obama and Trump will be stripped of all their titles, after completing their classic bombing missions, alias after fully detonating as illuminati suicide bombers. 
On the other hand it's another gang of illuminati suicide bombers that holds the answer to this question: the mercenaries dressed as "ISIS, the sunni beheaders".

Youtube has a KEY role in End Times. 
The Age when Youtube became the only possibility for songs out of the matrix to become a hit. In other words: for hit songs not created or sponsored by the illuminati.
But it's the next statement that has all it takes to get youtube's KEY role:
the Illuminati are about to terminate TRUTH in the only mass media outlet worldwide where it's still possible to watch it: youtube.
Note: this will happen immediately after Trump's inauguration (or the alternative plan: "ISIS attack on Washington D.C., martial law, Obama's presidency extended to a third term").
All paving the way to crown Hitlery Clinton, proclaimed Miss Universe without ever being inaugurated.
A script exposed worldwide only by Last Prophet.

Apr 20, 2016 - Last Prophet's words the day of Hillary's father anniversary
Computing votes: Contrast Hillary 2016 with McCain 2008 and Romney 2012
McCain 2009 and Romney 2012 had their votes multiplied each time by more or less 10 times.
For Hitlery 2016 the script is reversed. No, I don't mean "Hillary wins".
The original script ALSO had Romney and McCain as winners but, unlike Hillary, only to be stripped of their titles after completing the mission of disarming the citizens.
The script was modified to have "president Obama" first time in October 2008 and again November 2012, at the very last minute, in fact "as votes were being counted".
What I do mean: this time Hitlery''s official votes won't be computed by applying a multiplier to the real votes. They are already in script: 66.6 million votes.

How youtube was named: literal tubes, french figurative hit songs: two End Times Paradoxes

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